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For Educational Institutions 

Sustainability is a fundamental skill now and in the future

Circular economy and sustainability are part of today’s working life and the future. Responsible and resource efficient business brings already a competitive advantage to companies, in the future this will be vital. 

Staff of educational institutions can update their own knowledge on sustainable working life skills.

Sustainability is strongly present in the curricula at all levels of education. The online courses of Professional’s Handprint™ are good source of material and assignments especially for vocational education.  

Topics and courses

We currently offer one course in English: Introduction to Sustainable Development. We are looking to add more courses in English in the near future.

Introduction to Sustainable Development 

Sustainability, circular economy, climate change and social responsibility – what are those? And what do they have to do with me? This course helps you tackle the basics of sustainable development from a point of view of a professional.  

Sustainable Food Services

The course discusses the environmental impacts of food production, sustainable menu planning, waste reduction and responsible customer service.  This course only available in Finnish.

Sustainable Travel

The course covers practices of sustainable travel, how to incorporate circular economy in travel business and how to serve customers in a responsible manner.  This course only available in Finnish.

Sustainable Retail

The course includes lessons on sustainable business opportunities and circular economy, waste reduction, responsible marketing and acknowledging different customer groups. This course only available in Finnish.

Sustainable Cleaning Services

In the course you learn about the environmental impact of cleaning service, as well as sustainable practices: how to save energy and water, reduce waste and use of chemicals and operate responsibly with customers. This course only available in Finnish.

Sustainable Property Maintenance

This course covers the optimising of maintenance systems, environmental practices and how to work with customers in a responsible way. This course only available in Finnish.

Sustainability, circular economy, climate change and social responsibility – what are those? And what do they have to do with me? This course helps you tackle the basics of sustainable development from a point of view of a professional.  

The course discusses the environmental impacts of food production, sustainable menu planning, waste reduction and responsible customer service.  This course only available in Finnish.

The course covers practices of sustainable travel, how to incorporate circular economy in travel business and how to serve customers in a responsible manner.  This course only available in Finnish.

The course includes lessons on sustainable business opportunities and circular economy, waste reduction, responsible marketing and acknowledging different customer groups. This course only available in Finnish.

In the course you learn about the environmental impact of cleaning service, as well as sustainable practices: how to save energy and water, reduce waste and use of chemicals and operate responsibly with customers. This course only available in Finnish.

This course covers the optimising of maintenance systems, environmental practices and how to work with customers in a responsible way. This course only available in Finnish.

How to start using the Handprint at your institution 

Contact us – we will make you an offer

Fill out the contact form and will find out what option is the right one for you. 

Contact us

Training included 

We will set up your educational licence and necessary teacher licences. We train your teachers on how to use the Handprint, e.g. how to create student groups etc. 

Keep track

Teachers can follow the progress of their students. The organisation can follow the amount of completed courses. The students get a certificate from completing the courses.

Why choose the Handprint? 

Teachers can update their own knowledge on teaching sustainable working life skills.

The Handprint offers teachers readymade material to be used in various courses on sustainable development.

The course prepares students for the requirements of the modern working life.  

The students discover their own potential to make an impact on their work organisation, on the world, as well as how to find meaningfulness in their future work.

The certificate can help students to show their skills at the job market. 

Not finding what you’re looking for? Contact us!

Aura Piha

Content, Sustainable development expert

Riku Mustonen

Sales, customer service

050 321 2913
